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About Shannon Drew

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Shannon is a strategic Management Accountant, Costs Accountant and Business Consultant who spent 14 years running his own business consultancy before joining Blaze Business & Legal.

In total, he has over 20 years of experience working in commercial firms and providing advisory services to businesses in Australia and overseas. He provides user-friendly advice and targeted recommendations to boards, management and employees of his clients on all aspects of their business, including start-up, operations, and winding up. Shannon considers it particularly important that the strategic direction of a business (as detailed in the Business Plan) is aligned with the employment contracts, KPIs and position descriptions, which are then aligned with employee training and targets as well as financial reporting – he often provides recommendations in this respect.

Learn about us at Blaze Business & Legal

Shannon specialises in working with and supporting companies that are in financial difficulty, so they can re-finance and re-structure as necessary and sustainably work towards self-sufficiency and success. He often spends years working with clients in financial difficulty, ensuring that they can closely follow his Recovery Plan to get them out of trouble. Shannon uses his deep industry knowledge to assist his clients recover, and he often works with financiers to restructure debt facilities to remove financial pressure on the business.

With a Commerce degree majoring in Accounting, and 20 years of experience in financial management of a business, Shannon is skilled in assisting his clients to properly set up their financial management systems. He provides training to clients and their employees on all aspects of their operations, including proper financial management processes and monthly reporting.

Shannon has a no-nonsense attitude and a direct approach, and he is valued by his clients for the longterm support he provides to their businesses and the intimate operational knowledge he develops. He often acts as a Remote CFO for his clients.

Learn about Shannon’s business partner, Rachelle Hare

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We blend expert strategic business management consulting with commercial legal services, financial management services, business advisory services and commercial advice to offer unique support for Business Owners and Executives across Brisbane, the Sunshine Coast, and Australia.

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About the Author

Rachelle Hare is a highly experienced Construction Lawyer and Contract Lawyer, with over 23 years of experience in Tier 1 and Tier 2 Construction Firms, Top Tier Private Practice and Government. With 23+ years of experience as a Senior Lawyer, Strategic Contracting Adviser and Management Consultant in Construction Law, Contracts, Major Projects, Commercial Advisory, Compliance, Procurement, Contract Management and Risk Management, Rachelle has the rare skills to offer you seamless business advice and legal advice to help support your organisation.

As well as a Lawyer and Business Adviser, Rachelle has also acted as a Strategic Procurement Adviser, Compliance Manager, Strategic Risk Adviser and Commercial Manager. Rachelle owns Blaze Business & Legal, a combined Commercial Law Firm and Business Advisory Firm located in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Blaze Business & Legal assists a broad range of clients in the Construction Industry and related industries, and advises owners, contractors, subcontractors, NFPs and other organisations on a broad range of Construction Law, Commercial Law, Business Advisory and Management Consulting issues in Brisbane, Queensland and around Australia.  

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