Quiz: Which Funding Source is Right for Your Startup in 2024?

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Table of Contents

Answer each question to the best of your ability, and keep track of your responses (eg, how many (a), (b), (c) or (d) you score) for scoring at the end.

Q1. What stage is your business in?

a) Pre-launchb) Early-stagec) Growth-staged) Established

Q2. How much funding do you need?

a) Under $10,000b) $10,000 – $50,000c) $50,000 – $500,000d) Over $500,000

Q3. How quickly do you need the funds?

a) ASAPb) Within 3-6 monthsc) Within 6-12 monthsd) No immediate rush

Q4. Are you willing to give up equity in your business?

a) Yes, I’m open to itb) No, I want to retain full ownershipc) Partially, if it’s necessaryd) I’m not sure

Q5. Do you have a clear Business Plan and financial projections?

a) Yes, it’s well-definedb) Partially, but it needs workc) No, it’s still in progressd) I don’t have one yet

Here is some advice on drafting a Business Plan.

Q6. Are you comfortable with public fundraising and promotion?

a) Yes, I’m confident in promoting my businessb) Somewhat, but I prefer a more private approachc) No, I’m a private persond) I’m not sure

Q7. Are you open to crowdfunding and engaging with a broad audience?

a) Absolutely, I love the ideab) Maybe, if it’s the right fitc) Not really my styled) I’m unsure

Q8. How much control do you want over your business decisions?

a) Full controlb) Willing to share some controlc) Open to shared decision-makingd) I’m flexible

Q9. What is your business’s primary industry?

a) Technologyb) Retailc) Healthcared) Other

Q10. Have you considered exploring government grants?

a) Yes, I’m actively looking into itb) Maybe, but I need more informationc) No, I haven’t thought about itd) I’m not sure

Q11. How do you feel about taking on debt to fund your business?

a) Comfortable, if it’s necessaryb) Prefer to avoid debtc) Willing to consider debt with favorable termsd) I’m undecided

Q12. Do you have a compelling story or social/environmental mission in your startup?

a) Yes, it’s a core part of my businessb) Somewhat, but it’s not the main focusc) No, my business is primarily profit-drivend) I’m not sure

Q13. Are you willing to actively engage with potential investors?

a) Absolutely, I’m ready to networkb) To some extent, but I’m introvertedc) Not really, I prefer a more passive approachd) I’m uncertain

Q14. What is your business’s growth potential and scalability?

a) High growth and scalability potentialb) Moderate growth potentialc) Limited growth potentiald) I’m not sure

Q15. Do you have existing personal savings or assets to invest?

a) Yes, I can contribute a significant amountb) Some savings, but limitedc) Minimal savings, mostly invested in the businessd) No, I have no personal savings

Q16. Have you explored potential strategic partnerships?

a) Yes, and I have some promising leadsb) Not yet, but I’m open to itc) No, I haven’t considered partnershipsd) I’m not sure

Q17. Are you willing to seek mentorship and guidance in your funding journey?

a) Absolutely, I value mentorshipb) To some extent, but I’m independentc) Not particularly, I prefer autonomyd) I’m undecided

Q18. How well do you understand your target market and customer demographics?

a) Very well, I have detailed insightsb) Fairly well, but there’s room for improvementc) I have some knowledge but need more datad) Limited understanding

Q19. Have you conducted a competitive analysis of your industry?

a) Yes, and I have a competitive advantageb) Partially, but I need to refine itc) Not extensively, I should do more researchd) I haven’t done one yet

Q20. Are you prepared to commit significant time and effort to secure funding?

a) Absolutely, I’m dedicated to the processb) To some extent, but I have other responsibilitiesc) Not fully, I have limited time availabled) I’m unsure about my commitment level


Now, calculate your score based on your responses:

  • Each (a) response is worth 4 points.
  • Each (b) response is worth 3 points.
  • Each (c) response is worth 2 points.
  • Each (d) response is worth 1 point.

Make sure you keep your score handy, as you will need it when you receive your results.

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Remember that this Quiz provides general guidance, and it’s essential to conduct further research and consult with professionals before making funding decisions for your specific business circumstances.

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About the Author

Rachelle Hare

Rachelle Hare – Managing Director and Principal Practitioner of Blaze Business & Legal

Rachelle Hare

Rachelle Hare is a highly experienced Construction Lawyer and Contract Lawyer, with over 23 years of experience in Tier 1 and Tier 2 Construction Firms, Top Tier Private Practice and Government.With 23+ years of experience as a Senior Lawyer, Strategic Contracting Adviser and Management Consultant in Construction Law, Contracts, Major Projects, Commercial Advisory, Compliance, Procurement, Contract Management and Risk Management, Rachelle has the rare skills to offer you seamless business advice and legal advice to help support your organisation.

As well as a Lawyer and Business Adviser, Rachelle has also acted as a Strategic Procurement Adviser, Compliance Manager, Strategic Risk Adviser and Commercial Manager.Rachelle owns Blaze Business & Legal, a combined Commercial Law Firm and Business Advisory Firm located in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Blaze Business & Legal assists a broad range of clients in the Construction Industry and related industries, and advises owners, contractors, subcontractors, NFPs and other organisations on a broad range of Construction Law, Commercial Law, Business Advisory and Management Consulting issues in Brisbane, Queensland and around Australia. Rachelle also owns Blaze Professional Learning, where she offers practical contracting skills, hands-on experience in drafting and working with contracts, and industry insights to help Professionals upskill and advance their careers with real-world skills.

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About the Author

Rachelle Hare is a highly experienced Construction Lawyer and Contract Lawyer, with over 23 years of experience in Tier 1 and Tier 2 Construction Firms, Top Tier Private Practice and Government. With 23+ years of experience as a Senior Lawyer, Strategic Contracting Adviser and Management Consultant in Construction Law, Contracts, Major Projects, Commercial Advisory, Compliance, Procurement, Contract Management and Risk Management, Rachelle has the rare skills to offer you seamless business advice and legal advice to help support your organisation.

As well as a Lawyer and Business Adviser, Rachelle has also acted as a Strategic Procurement Adviser, Compliance Manager, Strategic Risk Adviser and Commercial Manager. Rachelle owns Blaze Business & Legal, a combined Commercial Law Firm and Business Advisory Firm located in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Blaze Business & Legal assists a broad range of clients in the Construction Industry and related industries, and advises owners, contractors, subcontractors, NFPs and other organisations on a broad range of Construction Law, Commercial Law, Business Advisory and Management Consulting issues in Brisbane, Queensland and around Australia.  

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