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We blend expert strategic business management consulting with commercial legal services, financial management services, business advisory services and commercial advice to offer unique support for Business Owners and Executives across Brisbane, the Sunshine Coast, and Australia.
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Rachelle Hare is a highly experienced Construction Lawyer and Contract Lawyer, with over 23 years of experience in Tier 1 and Tier 2 Construction Firms, Top Tier Private Practice and Government. With 23+ years of experience as a Senior Lawyer, Strategic Contracting Adviser and Management Consultant in Construction Law, Contracts, Major Projects, Commercial Advisory, Compliance, Procurement, Contract Management and Risk Management, Rachelle has the rare skills to offer you seamless business advice and legal advice to help support your organisation.
As well as a Lawyer and Business Adviser, Rachelle has also acted as a Strategic Procurement Adviser, Compliance Manager, Strategic Risk Adviser and Commercial Manager. Rachelle owns Blaze Business & Legal, a combined Commercial Law Firm and Business Advisory Firm located in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Blaze Business & Legal assists a broad range of clients in the Construction Industry and related industries, and advises owners, contractors, subcontractors, NFPs and other organisations on a broad range of Construction Law, Commercial Law, Business Advisory and Management Consulting issues in Brisbane, Queensland and around Australia.
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Blaze Business & Legal is a combined Law Firm and Business Advisory Firm located in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. We assist a broad range of clients in Construction Law, Commercial Law, Business Advisory and Management Consulting issues. We specialise in advising businesses with yearly revenue between $10 million to $100 million in the Construction Industry and related industries on restructuring and moving to the next level of growth.
For Legal Services, liability limited by a scheme approved under the Professional Standards Legislation